Is Biotin After Hair Transplant A Good Idea?

The popularity of biotin supplements has skyrocketed in recent years, thanks to its touted benefits for the skin, hair and nails. Since biotin has been heavily marketed as a hair loss treatment, you might be wondering if it can somehow give your hair a boost if you’ve recently had a hair transplant.

While the evidence on the hair-growing potential of biotin isn’t conclusive enough yet, you might still be recommended its supplements to help with hair growth following the procedure. Let’s take a closer look at how biotin supplements might be helpful for you.

What Is Biotin?

Biotin, or vitamin B7, is one of the 8 vitamins that make up the B-group or vitamin B complex. It helps convert the food you eat (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) into energy, according to the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements.

biotin supplements

Most popularly, it’s known for its claimed benefits for hair and nails, though the research on it is limited, as noted by a study published in Skin Appendage Disorders. However, the researchers of the same study also note that its supplement “may be of benefit” in the case of:

  • Biotin deficiency (acquired or inherited)
  • Diseases such as uncombable hair or brittle nail syndrome

While supplements of biotin are available, its sources can also be found in the diet through foods such as sweet potatoes, tofu, egg yolk, tuna, salmon, banana, avocados, almonds, etc.

Does Biotin Really Help Hair?

Biotin deficiency can cause several symptoms, such as scaly skin, fatigue, depression, dry eyes, brittle nails and hair loss, among others. Therefore, if you are experiencing hair loss as a result of biotin deficiency, its supplements may help.

Hair loss woman

However, biotin deficiency is rare in healthy individuals, in which case these supplements might not do anything for your hair. The NHS also states that the naturally found bacteria in your bowels can make biotin, so whether or not you need any “additional biotin from the diet” is not clear.

Can You Take Biotin After Hair Transplant?

Your doctor may recommend taking biotin supplements a couple of weeks after a hair transplant to help promote the growth of your hair. It may also be advised to prevent hair loss and support your existing as well as transplanted hair.

However, it is important to note that aftercare instructions can vary between doctors. Therefore, you should follow the advice of your own provider to see the best results from your procedure.

How Much Biotin Can You Take After Hair Transplant?

Only your doctor can best advise you on the proper dosage of biotin supplement after your hair transplant. You may be advised 5,000 mcg/day of biotin after your hair transplant to provide support to your hair.

However, again, it is very important to keep in mind that you must consult your own practitioner about it. There are different dosages of biotin available, and your doctor will advise you according to your needs. Taking too much biotin can also have negative consequences for your health, so you should be careful.

How Long Should You Take Biotin After Hair Transplant?

You may be recommended biotin tablets for 6 months after your hair transplant to promote growth. By the 6-month, you should normally start seeing noticeable hair growth, but it can take 12 to 18 months for you to see the final results of your hair transplant.

woman holding capsule

The hair in the crown area can take around 6 months to grow because the skin is thicker there; biotin supplements may help with hair growth in that area.

Can You Use Biotin Shampoo After Hair Transplant?

You can use biotin shampoo after a hair transplant, but for 1 month after the surgery, you should only use the special shampoo provided to you by your doctor. Afterwards, you can switch to another shampoo, but you should make sure that it does not contain:

  • Organic parabens
  • SLS
  • Salt

These can negatively impact your hair. Biotin and/or caffeine shampoo may instead be beneficial for you, but only once your surgeon green-lights them.

What Else Can Help Speed Up Recovery After Hair Transplant?

Other than biotin supplements, your practitioner may recommend gentle scalp massages to promote blood circulation, although you may have to wait for a certain period of time before you can do them.

Other than that, however, you may be advised to get platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. Containing growth factors and proteins, these can also rejuvenate the scalp and speed up the recovery process of a hair transplant.

scalp injection


Taking biotin after a hair transplant isn’t unheard of. After having a transplantation surgery, many people look for different ways in which they can somehow “boost” the overall health of their hair, and biotin is one way in which they might think it can be achieved.

However, as mentioned before, there’s not enough evidence to suggest whether biotin can actually be helpful if you don’t have a deficiency of it. In any case, you should further consult your surgeon about its intake and follow their advice.

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