Hair Wigs vs Hair Transplant: Which One Should You Choose?

Hair loss has afflicted human existence for centuries. Time and again, the search for a cure causes many to make outrageous claims. Animal excreta, hair, teeth, spices, vegetables, and whatnot have been prescribed by “experts” of their times.

However, the scientific revolution led to the dismissal of many false assertions. In our era, hair transplant has emerged as a permanent solution to the problem of hair loss. However, before that, wigs took care of hiding the bald patches. 

They’re certainly a far cheaper alternative. However, with the rise of medical tourism, especially in Turkey, many people are opting for an FUE hair transplant instead of choosing to wear wigs. Hair transplant cost in Turkey is one of the biggest reasons why that’s happening. This makes getting surgery an option available for almost everyone.

Many other solutions are offered for hair loss. Many times, companies are simply trying to capitalize on the problems of other people. Non-FDA-regulated supplements are promoted everywhere on social media platforms.

According to them, almost any biological problem can be solved through their usage/consumption. Other than that, many over-the-counter drugs are available that can help deal with hair loss. 

What Counts as Hair Loss?

Normally, we shed around 50-100 strands of hair each day. Excessive hair fall is troublesome. You’ll start noticing a gradual or sudden thinning of your hair over time.

Globally, around half of men suffer from androgenetic alopecia, pattern baldness, which makes their situation inevitable. Not always, a hair transplant is the only way out.

Conditions such as alopecia areata and traction alopecia can be resolved on their own or through some hairstyle changes. Coconut, almond, castor, lavender and olive oils are all used quite commonly for hair growth.

Many times all these solutions are not enough. Hair transplant in Turkey has come to the rescue of many people before. But still, many use wigs as an alternative. These, however, come with more harm than benefits.

Many people experience hair loss in their lifetime. It can have devastating psychological and physical effects on the life of a person. In such a situation, it is better to look for a permanent answer to the problem of hair loss.

Why Choose Hair Wigs? 

Wearing hair wigs was once considered taboo. It’s still somewhat stigmatized, even though it has become more mainstream, almost fashionable.

For people looking for a quick, fun change in the colour and style of their hair, wigs are certainly the way to go. Many celebrities have popularized their use.

Cardi B, Kylie Jenner, Lady Gaga, Paris Hilton, Katy Perry and many others have hopped on the trend. Or maybe they’ve created it. They’re usually advertised as being helpful to people suffering from pattern baldness. Patients going through radiotherapy and chemotherapy also use hair wigs.

Our hair is a symbol of beauty. Regardless of gender, hair loss can be stressful. However, women usually prefer to use wigs and extensions after experiencing hair loss. It could be because women are not expected to pull off a bald head. There are greater expectations and pressures to fit into a standard mould of beauty.

Hair wigs can help with that. It could also be that many women don’t feel like dying their hair again and again, as it could be damaging. Here too, putting on a wig, any hair system or extension seems like the best idea.

It’s not just women, but men too wear wigs. Male pattern baldness has made many men look towards wigs as a solution to their problems. And as a lot of men suffer from the condition, their usage is quite common among them. But is it truly the right choice? Not really. 

Hair Transplant or Hair System: Which One’s Better?

Let’s find out why you should consider getting surgery instead of wearing wigs.

Wigs Are More Expensive than Hair Transplants

Buying hair wigs is not just a one-time venture. Many people are deterred from getting hair transplant surgery simply because they believe wigs to be cheaper.

But you need to consider the fact that hair transplant is permanent, unlike temporary hair wigs.

Maintenance cost is quite high for wigs. You need to have at least two at one time and take care of each. Their quality deteriorates over time, which means that you’ll have to keep buying new ones.

Some wigs use natural hair. They can cost you thousands and thousands of pounds. Hair transplant, instead, will use your natural hair as donors for the balding areas.  

Wigs Can Damage Existing Hair 

Putting a wig on your head means that you’re closing all doors of light and air to it. This is a reason why many wig-wearers experience scalp infections.

It can further harm your natural hair. Other than that, many wigs use tapes or glues for adjustment. Again, this can lead to your hair being ripped off from the scalp.

If the wig is too tight for your head, you will most certainly have headaches. Many people also experience traction alopecia as a result of wearing wigs.

They can feel itchy, uncomfortable and make you sweat profusely in hot weather. This further creates a poor environment for your natural hair to grow.

Wigs are Only Temporary 

Sometimes buying a single wig can cost you up to £2500. When you add in the costs of buying new ones and maintenance, they far outweigh hair transplant costs.

And the fact remains that hair wigs are temporary. They can destroy your natural hair along the way. This can make anyone feel even more hopeless about their situation.

In contrast,a hair transplant in Turkey will cost you an average of £1000-1500. And you will only incur this expense once. After that, you’ll have a permanent set of natural-looking hair. This is way more satisfying.

You’ll be able to style your natural hair in any way you want without any of the disadvantages associated with wigs. You won’t have to buy medicines again and again for some new scalp infections caused by the wigs.

All in all, in the hair transplant or hair system debate, a hair transplant in Turkey offers a much better option.

Wigs Can Fall Off 

Just a simple search of “wig fall off” brings up 48,500,000 results on Google! There’s a very real and ever-present fear of a wig falling off if you’re wearing one to hide your bald spots.

In order to avoid any embarrassing situations where the wig falls off in strong winds, you can’t just plan to stay at home the entire time. 

There doesn’t even have to be a strong wind. What if it gets snagged somewhere or slides off when you’re bending over to pick something up. This fear is there for people who wear wigs on a daily basis. 

In contrast, you’d never have to worry about anything like that happening if it’s all your natural hair. Your transplant grafts will become like your hair that existed there previously.

Except for natural shedding, you won’t have to worry about them sliding off your head and looking weird or simply falling off, leaving you embarrassed. 

Wigs Can Be Quite Uncomfortable 

Imagine wearing warm clothes during the summer season, that alone make you start sweating if you leave somewhere hot.

Wearing a wig during the summer season can have the same effect. It can get sweaty and uncomfortable very quickly, so much so that you’d rather have a bear head than wear a wig at all. 

The accumulation of sweat, especially if the wig isn’t clean, also puts you at risk of infection. You can also end up with a build-up if you are someone who has more oily skin. Therefore, wigs might not be the best idea vs hair transplant. 

Concluding Remarks 

Using wigs will do you more harm than good in every possible way. You’ll just end up damaging your natural hair even more than before while spending huge sums of money. Moreover, they do not look natural.

They can move around while you’re wearing them, which’s a dead giveaway that you’re wearing a wig. You can also find yourself in a more embarrassing situation where the wig entirely falls off the head while you’re in public. 

Bad smelling hair, dandruff, bacterial infestations and a lot of other diseases are what you might suffer through as a result of wearing wigs.

Although wig caps and many other things have been introduced to make the experience a bit better, it’s probably not worth it. These hair systems are temporary. When you remove them at the end of the day, the anxiety and stress of hair loss remain in place.

In contrast, a hair transplant surgery will simply move your natural hair from the back and sides to the bald spots at the top, front, or vertex of the scalp.

This hair will grow just like your natural hair. In addition, after surgery, you don’t have to incur costs related to the maintenance of your hair which is the case with wigs. With time, the overall cost of these wigs can become much more than that of a hair transplant. 

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